Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Juniors kick seniors butts in powder puff football.

the juniors arrived here around 530pm, to get ready for the game. The guys, coaches, made their plays and figured their plan of attack. while the girls busied themselves, cutting the sleeves off of their tshirts, applying blackout and glitter. go figure, for a football game.
Rieley and I went to the game, in the middle of high winds and a bad dust storm and watched the girls. Fun tiles were had by all. The juniors kicked butt and won, 37-14, the seniors were dumbstruck by the outcome. I think their problem was, more coaches than players.
The juniors were going to go to another kids house for pizza after game and those plans went wacky. So, guess who had them all here. Luckily Tim was out of town and they were fine, well behaved kids. Ate bunches of pizzas, drank lots of pop and finished off the fruit left from our softball party.
Can't wait to watch them play next year, their class is full of alot of talented athletes.

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