Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trip- Part 4

We made it back to Lafayette in the afternoon, on Thursday(Oct 28, 2010). Grandma and Grandpa were happy to see us and they had recooperated from the past long weekend up in WI. Rieley was running a fever for a day after we returned and pretty much layed around all day. Aunt Pam arrived on Sun, for baby Rhyon's baby shower and Trick or Treating. She brought a pumpkin with her, and they decided on a face and turned it into a jack-o-lantern. Rieley went as Ariel, this year. It was a little chilly and we only went to a few homes for treats. Then, she helped Aunt Pam hand out treats to who came to g and g's house. SHe was Aunt pam's hip attachment for the time remaining in Lafayette, they helped grandma finish a 550 piece puzzle, we raked leaves and trimmed a bush for g and g, changed some light bulbs for them and did a little shopping. Plus, on Sunday night, we went to Rieley's now favorite place to eat, Olive Garden and had dinner.
We headed to the airport in Indy, Tuesday morning about 9, it was time for our 2 week vacation to end and we needed to get back home to daddy and the other 3 kids at home. Aunt Pam was leaving shortly after that to head back to Bloomington. We had a great visit, just wish we lived closer and visits were closer together.

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